Careers Education Information and Guidance

At Lymm High School we are committed to providing a planned and meaningful programme of impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in Years 7-13. We aim to nurture and develop young people who are educated about the options open to them at all stages of their academic careers and who can make informed decisions about their futures – whether that involves university, employment or further training within apprenticeships.

Activities are differentiated and personalised to ensure progression in their learning and development, and to strengthen their motivation, aspirations and attainment at school. Lymm High School provides Careers’ Education and Information in many different forms. CEIAG is delivered through the curriculum, during tutorial times, dedicated sessions and can be accessed by all students throughout the year. Resources are available to parents, carers and students to help them navigate their way through the many academic and vocational choices they will make during their time at Lymm High and beyond.

Our ‘NEET’ figures (i.e. those young people are Not in Education, Employment or Training soon after leaving school) are remarkably low: just 1% for each of the last few years at aged 16 and even lower for those leaving our sixth form. This suggests that all of the work we do on CEIAG is having a very positive impact.

We work in conjunction with our qualified careers advisor, Joanna Cunliffe, who provides one-to-one sessions with students and provides them with expert and impartial advice on a range of opportunities available to them. Our CEIAG link within school is Mrs C McGahey (

Lymm High School is committed to working towards the full implementation of the Gatsy Benchmarks for CEIAG as set out by the government in 2018.