KS3 Computing

Pupils will begin the year with an introduction to Microsoft Office Skills and learning how to access and use the IT systems we have here at Lymm High School. Their first few weeks of students’ secondary computing education is all about developing a secure knowledge of how to use a computer effectively and the different components needed for a computer to work. 

Once this has been completed, pupils move onto different topics and units of work each half term. These projects are related to computer skills, digital literacy, and programming. Pupils make progress in computing by knowing and remembering more about and, importantly, across each of these categories, and being able to apply this knowledge to real life scenarios, such as at home and when old enough in the workplace. 

In accordance with the national curriculum computer science covers knowledge of computers and computation, including concepts such as data, system architecture, algorithms, and programming. Computer science is seen as the core of computing and underpins the whole of the subject. Digital Literacy covers skills and knowledge to using technology safely, respectfully, and responsibly.  It covers a range of skills such as cyber security, social networking and how to know digital content is reliable. The final element students will focus on is Programming this covers skills and knowledge used in problem solving, algorithmic thinking and learning block based and text based programming languages. In addition to our 3 strands the curriculum focuses on how computers are used in different sectors and describes the methods used to create digital artefacts such as presentations, spreadsheets, and graphical user interfaces.


Year 7

Half Term 1 – Getting Started with Office 365
Pupils will be introduced to the online learning platform that we use in school titled Office 365. They will gain an understanding of how to set out work in Computing lessons via Microsoft Teams and OneNote. Pupils will also learn about Microsoft Office tools, cloud computing and staying safe online. 

Half Term 2: Computer Hardware
In this unit pupils focus on input, output and storage devices and hardware components that make up a computer. Pupils will use PowerPoint tools to create a presentation on these components . At the end of Half term 2 in addition to their end of unit assessment students will also be assessed on everything they have learnt this term via Educake online assessments. 

Half Term 3: Flowol
Pupils will be introduced to flowchart symbols through the use of Flowol. They will be able to understand the concept of inputs, processes, storage, and outputs. The flowcharts that are created will be based on real life scenarios. 

Half Term 4: Spreadsheets and Data Manipulation
Pupils will be taught how to appropriately format a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel and the benefits of using formulas over mathematical calculations, sorting and filtering data and working with formulas and functions. At the end of Half term 4 in addition to their end of unit assessment students will also be assessed on everything they have learnt this term and term 1 via Educake online assessments. 

Half term 5: Scratch
Pupils will learn block-based programming by understanding the features needed to program a virtual pet game in Scratch. Pupils will learn about programming techniques, designing sprites, backdrops and costumes to create a fully playable computer game. 

Half Term 6: Python Programming
Pupils will learn about programming techniques including sequencing and selection to program a quiz using text-based programming in Python. They will also be taught what Boolean operators, strings and variables are in computer programming. 

At the end of the year pupils will sit a final assessment on Educake which covered all the content learnt in year 7. 


Year 8

Half Term 1: Project Life Cycle
Pupils will learn about the different stages of the Project Life cycle. They will plan a project from start to finish using the stages from the PLC. Students will need to plan this out in details as they will be using this to manage their work in HT2. 

Half Term 2: Website Architecture
Pupils will understand the importance of netiquette and how to search the internet. Using HTML and a range of tags students will create a website following their plan created in the 1st half term of year 8 

Half Term 3: Networks
Understand the basic components needed to make up a network and the differences between a client server and peer to peer network. Pupils will then apply their knowledge to a simulation looking at the difference the components make to the efficiency of the network. 

Half Term 4: Data Representation
Pupils will learn what binary is and how computers communicate. They will learn about the different units and how they are represented including how images and text are stored. Pupils will also gain an understanding of simple operations on binary numbers and the role ASCII and UNICODE have with computers. 

Half Term 5: Spreadsheets and Data Manipulation
Pupils will be creating a spreadsheet model for a shopping centre. They will need to manage the finances of a range of businesses. Pupils will use a range of tools and features within Microsoft Excel. Pupils will need to be able to perform a range of formulas and functions in a spreadsheet to manage the income of the shopping centre. 

Half Term 6: Python Programming 

Pupils will build on programming skills in Year 7 and develop the use of sequence, selection and iteration including the use of condition and count controlled loops. Pupils will build up to coding their own Netflix menu system using text based programming.


Year 9

Half Term 1: Website Architecture
Pupils will build on prior knowledge of Year 8, pupils will identify features of effective and user-friendly websites and plan and design their own website using HTML and CSS. Creating a formal house style across multiple pages. 

Half Term 2: Cyber Secuirty
Pupils will learn to identify the different types of malware and how to protect against threats. Pupils will address the ethical and legal issues relating to cyber security and digital technology. 

Half Term 3: Python Programming
Pupils will learn about programming techniques including sequencing, selection, iteration, functions and procedures. They will also learn robust testing techniques. This will mirror the skills required for GCSE Computer Science when pupils complete a programming project during Year 10. 

Half Term 4: Spreadsheets and Data Manipulation
Pupils will build on knowledge from previous years and look at developing their spreadsheet knowledge tacking complex formulae, spinners and if statements. Pupils will be given a scenario where they will have to use the spreadsheet skills learnt to apply to a business setting. 

Half Term 5: Networks
Pupils will be building on knowledge from Year 8, pupils will study the concept of layers and protocols alongside networking components. Pupils will apply their knowledge to a scenario and creating a network.  

Half Term 6: Digital Imaging
Pupils will create, edit and manipulate digital images using design software including Adobe Fireworks and Photoshop. They will also learn the differences between bitmap and vector images, pixels and resolution