Sixth Form Induction Day

Dear Parent / Carer,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming your child next Tuesday 27th June for the Sixth Form Induction Day. We have planned a full timetable for them, including taster lessons, a quiz and fun and games on the field after lunch, including an ice cream van.

Your child should arrive at school between 8am and 8.15am and go directly to the Lower Hex for registration, where they will be able to collect their timetable for the day. If they use any medication, such as an inhaler, epipen or insulin pen, please make sure they bring these with them. Please can you ensure there is money on your child’s School Food ParentPay account so they can purchase food at break and lunchtime (PP students will have their usual food allocation on their accounts).

Your child should attend in their own clothes, making sure they are in something suitable and comfy for the activities on the field. They could bring a water bottle as it looks set to be a pleasantly warm day. They will also need their mobile phone to take part in an online quiz (there is a prize for the winning person / team!).

If you have any questions or concerns in advance of the day, please email

Sixth Form