KS3 Biology


Biology is taught within a combined science course in Years 7 and 8. In KS3 students learn about the organisation of the human body, health and disease and how living things are classified. Students become aware of the delicate balance in nature through their investigations and critical thinking. They learn how to describe their observations of the world around them and to evaluate their own thinking.

Year 7


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Living Systems:

Using microscopes, investigating plant and animal cells and looking at their specialisation, how cells are used to build up organ systems and the musculoskeletal system.

Diet & Health:

Evaluating healthy lifestyles and how this can go wrong through abuse of drugs or obesity including dietary requirements, the digestive system and how to ensure a balanced diet.

Genetics and Evolution:

Looking at species, variation and adaptations and then building in the role of DNA and mechanism for evolution through natural selection or extinction as well as selective breeding.

Year 8


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Photosynthesis, respiration and circulation:

The role of leaves in photosynthesis and gas exchange in plants, the need for the minerals from the roots; aerobic and anaerobic respiration in animals and the roles or the respiratory and circulatory system plus the risks associated with smoking.

Reproduction and Growth:

The structure of the reproductive systems and mechanisms of reproduction in plants and animals including the process of fertilisation, the role of hormones and pregnancy.


Food chains and webs, populations and impact of pollution and climate change on habitats and ecosystems.


Homework aims to support classroom learning through a variety of tasks linked to key learning objectives and outcomes.

Other Useful Information



5 ways to help my son/ daughter:

  • Ensure that they complete their homework
  • Ensure that they know when assessments are taking place and are doing the necessary revision for them
  • Ensure that they use their PLCs (personal learning checklists) in order to self-check what they have covered in the specification
  • Ensure that they use their PLCs when revising
  • Ensure that they are using the AQA website to download, and complete, as many past papers as possible