KS3 Design Technology

Year 7

Students will gain valuable workshop experience and will be introduced to the equipment and machinery used within this specialist subject area. Students will produce a working toy based on their favourite story book. Further projects studied in Year 7 will develop basic skills in computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacture (CAM) as well as drawing in Photoshop. These skills will enable students to produce products to a professional standard.

Rotation 1 Rotation 2 Bridging Project

Mechanical Toy Project

With Gift Packaging


Mini Light, Flight, Project Badge Making and Graphic Posters
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Product investigation – Bike Design style – Minimal Research
Designing Planning Plts

Year 8

Students are encouraged to design innovative and imaginative products for industry. They will build on the practical skills developed in Year 7 to plan, design and make quality products that utilise problem solving skills. Throughout this year students will explore graphic skills through typography and basic electronic and soldering.

Rotation 1 Rotation 2 Bridging Project
Metal Letter Hooks Ugly dolls – Speakers Alton Towers Project
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Typography Design style – Urban Research
Making Planning Plts

Year 9

Students will further develop designing and prototyping skills to design a sweet dispenser and Photoshop packaging. Students will also develop understanding of design movements and product development.

Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3
Sweet Packaging

Design History

Clock Designs


Wild Task

Assessment Assessment  Assessment
Product Investigation – Toothbrush Design Style Research – Cereal Design
Designing Planning Plts

Homework: Students will be set termly projects which will re-enforce/enhance classroom learning.

Useful websites:

5 ways I can help my child


Promote a keen interest in Design, Technology and Manufacture through watching programmes such as:

·         Abstract: The Art of Design – Netflix / YouTube

·         Big Life Fix – BBC iPlayer

·         Inside the Factory – BBC iPlayer

·         Grand Designs – Channel 4 / All 4

·         How It’s Made – YouTube

·         Megastructures – Channel 5 / Discovery Channel / YouTube

·         The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes – Netflix / BBC


Develop an ability to draw and present ideas in 3D through techniques such as Isometric, Oblique, Perspective. Tutorials can be found on YouTube and guides are available on TechnologyStudent.com


Encourage your child to analyse and question the products they are surrounded by – Why does it cost that price? Why were the materials selected? How was is made? Is it environmentally friendly?
4 Inspire a love of making, constructing, problem solving and being ‘hands on’ through building sets such as LEGO, K’nex, Meccano, GraviTrax.


Experiment and develop CAD (Computer Aided Design) modelling skills by using ‘SketchUp’. This is a free to use software package we use in school that you can download on your personal computer once you have set up an account through Trimble.