Outcomes and Impact

NEET Prevention and Destination Data

Data is collected throughout the school based on destinations in Years 11, 12 and 13. These are all reported to Warrington Borough Council. Students at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) are identified very early on, using the RONI report, and these students are given priority appointments with our careers adviser and, where necessary additional interventions. SEND students are also targeted as part of this process. Over the past few years, this has proved very successful, with 99% of our students moving into further education, employment or training.


In 2023, 95% of our students in Year 11 went on to further study at college, with the remainder securing alternative destinations including traineeships and apprenticeships.

In 2023, 84% of our students in Year 13 went on to study at university, with almost 80% of those securing a place at their first choice university (41% of students secured places at Russell Group universities). The remaining students either secured an apprenticeship, went onto further education or employment.