IT controlled assessment

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you that the Y11 IT students have successfully completed the IT controlled assessment within the allotted time. Our dedicated teachers meticulously planned the timeframe and supervised the students to ensure they had the full duration stipulated by the exam board to complete all assigned tasks.

In the upcoming two weeks, students will have dedicated lesson time to receive feedback on their work and make any necessary amendments for their second submission. As per the exam board’s guidelines, individual feedback won’t be provided, but our teachers have assessed the work and will offer feedback covering areas for improvement.

The deadline for submitting all work for marking is Friday, November 17th. Due to the moderation process and work submission requirements, this deadline cannot be extended. If your child has missed any controlled assessments in the past few weeks or is expected to miss an IT lesson between now and November 17th, it’s crucial that they schedule a meeting with their IT teacher, either Mrs. Worrall or Mrs. Binks, to make arrangements for catching up. Failing to do so could impact their final grade.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Worrall ( or Mrs Binks (

Mrs Worrall                                                               Mrs Binks

Teacher of Business and Computing                    Head of Computing