Year 10 IAG – Thursday 22nd September 2022

Dear parents/carers,

I hope that you have all enjoyed a safe and restful summer break. We are delighted to be welcoming back our students and are looking forward to supporting Year 10 this year.

We understand that Year 10 can feel somewhat daunting for both students and their parents/carers, as students embark on their KS4 and GCSE courses, particularly given that we have experienced quite a bit of turbulence in education over the last two years. However, we are certainly hopeful that this year we can get back to feeling ‘normal’ and really want a positive start by ensuring that both parents and students feel informed and prepared for the year to come.

With this in mind, we would like to invite all parents and carers to our Year 10 Information and Guidance evening which will be held on Thursday 22nd September from 6pm-7pm in the Main Hall. We ask that students do not attend the evening as the information provided will be primarily aimed at parents and carers and the role that you can play in supporting your child through this year, as well as giving you an overview of what can be expected in Year 10.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Crowder,
Head of Year 10