PTA Quiz

Dear Parent or Carer,

Thank you for buying tickets to next week’s PTA Quiz on Friday 27th January. Please could you ensure you pass this information on to your teammates.

As you know, there will be a fish and chip supper available, plus a bar. We will also be holding a raffle.

We aim to start promptly at 7pm, so would appreciate all teams being at their tables for then. Food will be available from 8pm.

Parking is available in the Sixth Form car park (accessible from the 2nd entrance off Oughtrington lane). However, we ask that cars are not left overnight. Please note that the main school car park (outside the Leisure Centre) will be locked before the end of the quiz.

To enter the Lower Hex, please use the door off the Languages yard. I have attached a map here for parents unfamiliar with the school layout.

Any queries, please email

Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you next week.