Dan Cordwell

Dan Cordwell is the founder and director of Visions Design Ltd – a Lymm-based graphic design company. He gave a talk to all interested year groups on what it’s like to work in graphic design. He also provided a great insight into the industry for anyone interested in a career in graphic design.

Photography Workshop

On Monday 12th September local photographer Andrew Collier visited us to run an after-school photography workshop.

The workshop was focused on Architecture photography, specifically capturing interesting viewpoints and lines within architecture and the details within it. Students that attended ranged from Years 8–11 and all students came away with some fantastic images.

Students in Year 10 and 11 that study GCSE Photography or Art will be able to put the skills and techniques learned in this workshop into practice within their current coursework projects.

All students thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, exploring many different areas of the school to find interesting architectural points
to photograph.

Royal Navy Cooking Competition

Lymm High School welcomed members of the Royal Navy Catering Services Branch who gave a presentation explaining their roles. They gave an insight into life in the services, and explained the educational and sporting opportunities that the Royal Navy provides.

The students then took part in a Ready, Steady, Cook challenge where each group was given a mystery box of ingredients and had to create a main course and dessert from the mystery box within a 60-minute timeframe. The session was designed to meet current skill and criteria level for Year 11 GCSE exams.

The students’ meals were judged by Mrs Deane, and Aaron and Jason from the Royal Navy. Well done to our master chefs Grace, Jamie, Emma, Emily and
Maddie who won the cooking competition.