SEND at Lymm High School
At Lymm High School, our intention for students with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education, regardless of their needs or disability. This is underpinned by our culture of high expectations and rigour, ensuring that our broad and balanced curriculum is open to all, with no denial of knowledge.
We uphold the principle that every teacher, is a teacher of SEND. We expect all staff to have read Pupil Passports and support the application of our Quality First Teaching strategies to ensure individual needs are met.

Ms Katie Yates

Mrs Karen Neal
Assistant SENDCo

Mrs Yvonne Poskitt
Leader of Teaching Assistant Co-Ordination

Mrs Charlotte France
Lead TA KS3

Dr V Taylor
Lead TA KS4

Mrs Kat Sheldon
Student Hub Manager

Mrs Ruth Ball
Head of Student Services
Please direct all initial enquiries relating to SEND to send@lymmhigh.org.uk. A member of the team will then get back to you.
You can contact any member of staff by telephoning the main switchboard: 01925 755458
Our philosophy for students with SEND
As outlined in our School Charter, our hope is that Lymm High School will enable every single student to be successful and achieve their full potential. We aim for children with SEND to embrace learning, both in and out of the classroom and to develop independence to support their lives beyond Secondary School. We encourage students with SEND to engage in the wider life of the school and to take part in extra-curricular activities, trips and participation in the Leadership Ladder. Most of all, we hope that through deploying a number of interventions that support students’ social, emotional, mental health and social communication, that students with SEND become decent, socially responsible members of the community.
Lymm High School places uncompromisingly high standards on our quality of teaching and learning. The same expectations of staff are also expected of our students. We promote a culture of high expectations and rigour, with no denial of knowledge, making our broad and balanced curriculum accessible to all. As an important point of principle, we organise interventions in such a way that means students with SEND are not withdrawn from entire curriculum or subject areas. At KS4, a small number of students with SEND are offered the option to take one less GCSE option, in favour of ‘Study Plus’. This gives students five additional periods per fortnight to focus on basic skills of literacy and numeracy. In addition, a similar number of students are offered the opportunity to attend local colleges and Alternative Provisions so that they may access vocational courses that would otherwise not be available at Lymm High School. This ensures that students have access to a broad range of subject areas that helps them to develop skills for life, and to engage in subject areas that they are particularly interested in.

Accessibility and facilities
As a mainstream Secondary school, we provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils. On our roll, we have students who have SEND across all four broad areas of need. This includes students with physical disabilities, visual impairments, hearing impairments, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, mental health conditions, autism and selective mutism. Our excellent facilities are inclusive to all students. This means all students are able to access sport, extra-curricular activities, swimming and all lessons. Lift access enables students to attend lessons on all floors, and where this is not possible due to constraints on our listed buildings, we allocate downstairs timetables. We also offer students who require a space to ‘self-regulate’, a nurture room we call ‘the Haven’. This space promotes the idea of ‘Zones of Regulation’. Students are asked to check their zone upon arrival and are encouraged to develop their own toolkit to foster emotional resilience. We provide fidget toys, mindfulness colouring, crochet kits, origami packs and dog therapy to students who need it most. The room is staffed by a very experienced HLTA who has several years’ experience working in SEND and with our most vulnerable students.
Combining our emphasis on uncompromisingly high standards of academic rigor and on emotional well-being, we also have a second inclusion hub, known as ‘The Learning Zone’. Here, students are timetabled to receive academic and social skills interventions including: Talkabout, SNIP, Lexia Power Up Literacy, Read Write Inc: Fresh Start, Accelerated Maths, 123 Maths, Speech and Language and bespoke learning packages. For students who struggle with sensory processing difficulties, this space provides a welcome respite and opportunity for students to continue with their studies, whilst being in a calm, quiet and nurturing environment. For students who are at risk of being excluded, who have difficulties attending school, or require a phased return after a period of absence due to poor mental health, the space also provides a supported environment to catch up on missed learning. Our Learning Zone is staffed by a full-time Inclusion Hub Manager, with support from a dedicated team of Teaching Assistants and specialist subject teachers.

CPD and training for staff
We provide high quality and relevant training for all staff members on supporting children with SEND. INSET days provide teachers with an opportunity to reflect on their own practice and to engage in the latest educational research to support high quality teaching and learning. Recommendations by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) are used to support Quality First Teaching for all pupils. Faculty meeting time is used to provide teaching staff with the opportunity to share and discuss strategies to support high quality teaching. Throughout the academic year, all staff receive updated pupil passports related to their SEND needs, including updates on referrals, copies of reports, confirmations of diagnosis, as well as suggested strategies to differentiate and adapt work according to pupil needs.
Student interventions
We pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for students with SEND to ensure that as many students as possible can benefit from timely and effective interventions. Our SEND and Pastoral Teams work closely together, and in turn, both work closely with external agencies and other professionals, including: Speech and Language Therapists (SALT); Physiotherapists; Occupational Therapists; Educational Psychologists; Social Care; Family Support Workers and the Local Authority EHCP team and SEND advisors. This means we can hone and refine our practice, ensuring students receive the best possible support for their SEND. Whether through teacher referral or parental request, our Assistant SENDCo, SENDCo and Lead Teaching Assistants arrange meetings to discuss concerns and ensure concerns are investigated. We have invested in the SNAP assessments for both behaviour and SpLD. Parents, pupils are teachers have access to these results, to inform a graduated approach towards assessing, planning, doing and reviewing the needs of our pupils.
Leadership and deployment of key staff
Our SEND department is one of the largest in school. The diverse team includes former teachers, a former Assistant headteacher and football coaches. We actively promote the development of our team and know that through a holistic approach to staff training and professional development, we can promote the best outcomes amongst our students. Staff work across year groups and regularly meet to discuss key students. Our team also deliver a substantial range of morning interventions that support both SEN K and EHCP students. They receive time and support to deliver the interventions so that they can be the best they can be for our students. A Lead Teaching Assistant administers in-house screenings for dyslexia and a qualified Level 7 Access Arrangements Assessor, tests for Access Arrangements for examinations. The SENDCo is a Teach First Ambassador and has completed the National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership (NPQML), this is in addition to currently working towards achieving the NASENCO qualification for SENDCos.
Lymm High School SEND school report
Click on the link below to download our most recent SEND Report.
[button style=”btn-default btn-sml” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Click Here to Download PDF” link=”https://www.lymmhigh.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Lymm-High-School-SEND-Report-2022-2023.pdf” linkrel=””]