Uniform expectations

Dear Parent/Carers

It’s that time of year again for me to send a timely reminder about uniform expectations and high standards of uniform and appearance for September 2021. As always, I ask that before purchasing any new items of uniform, please check the guidance on the school website, or seek advice from the school shop. Following the guidance avoids any difficult conversations in September resulting from the purchase of uniform that is not acceptable or appropriate. As a guide, I suggest if you are not sure then do not buy it, and certainly try to avoid being pressured by your child into buying items of uniform that are not accepted; this is particularly important when choosing an appropriate pair of school shoes.

The main uniform discussion points each year are:

  • School Shoes – All students must wear a conventional shoe which is polishable. Trainer-style shoes or footwear with logos are not appropriate school uniform and not permitted.
  • School Skirts – Inevitably students grow so please check the length of girls’ skirts before returning. The school skirt should sit just above the knee.

The intention of the uniform policy is to promote pride and responsibility in our students in preparation for adult life and to ensure equal opportunity without extremes of fashion. We take great pride in our uniform and appearance and our high standards and expectations require all pupils to wear their full uniform correctly at all times. Having a clear policy and sticking to it also drastically reduces the amount of time wasted with constant debates about what the policy should be or what exceptions students want us to make. Having the support of parents, as always, goes a long way to reducing the number of conversations we have to have about uniform and appearance and supports the smooth running of the school. I therefore ask for your support in ensuring all students are in the correct school uniform from September. This includes:

  • Shoes – no trainers/trainer-style footwear/no logos
  • Coats should be dark in colour
  • No hoodies
  • No jewellery
  • No piercings
  • Discreet natural make-up: no false nails, no false eyelashes, clear nail varnish only, eyebrows should be natural
  • Hair should be neat and conventional with no extreme styles. No haircuts shorter than a grade 2. Hair colour should be natural.

This year we have trialled a uniform recycling scheme and have had many items of good quality uniform handed in for re-use. If you would like to enquire about these and find out what is available, please email Miss Beck (nbeck@lymmhigh.org.uk). All items are available free of charge.

Kind regards
Mr Thompson