Covid testing at home

As you are aware the second of the in-school Covid tests have taken place this week. The students have been fantastic, which has helped the testing process to run extremely well and quickly. As a reminder, we contact parent/carers of any student testing positive immediately, you will not receive notification if the result is negative.

In line with the government’s approach to reopening schools, the responsibility for testing once again moves to the students and you as parents for completing the tests at home. The government guidance is for tests to be completed twice per week with 3–5 days between tests. We would like students to test on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening each week if possible, until further notice.

On Thursday and Friday this week all students will receive home testing packs during form time. Whilst testing is not compulsory we would appreciate it if as many students as possible complete the tests. If your child is not taking the test due to being positive in the last 90 days or for other reasons, then simply do not complete the test, we do not need to be specifically contacted.

The students have become proficient in swabbing themselves, with the aid of a mirror, but they may not have completed the actual testing. There are instructions in the pack, but this video link demonstrates the process in full. Once you have completed the test and waited for 30 minutes for the result to confirm, you should log the result on the government website:

The data are not shared with school, so we have been asked by the government to also hold our own testing data, to allow us to order further batches of testing kits. Each time you complete a test we would be grateful if you could complete this very quick form: Reporting results

If your child tests positive then, in line with the guidance on home testing, you should book for them to take a PCR test asap to confirm the result. Please contact us via telephone and email to as soon as the home test comes back positive and again once you have received the result from the PCR test.

For any other queries related to testing, or if you have issues reporting a result using the Microsoft form, please email (Please note that this is a different email address from the one used for contact in relation to the recent in-school testing.)