PE Kit Policy

Dear Parent and Carer,

I am writing to inform you about a change to Lymm High’s PE kit policy. As you are aware, all students that need to be excused from a PE lesson need to have an explanatory letter from their parent/carer. They also need to still get changed into their PE kit to undertake other roles where possible (e.g. leader or official).

From Monday 26th September, if students do not have their PE kits with them, they will need to wear one of our spare, clean kits.

Students have been made aware of this new requirement. We would appreciate your support in reminding your child to always bring their PE kit in to their lessons.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Kerwin
Head of PE & Sport

Year 8 IAG – Tuesday 20th September

Dear parents/carers,

I hope that you have all enjoyed a safe and restful summer break. We are delighted to be welcoming back our students and are looking forward to supporting Year 8 this year.

With this in mind, we would like to invite all parents and carers to our Year 8 Information and Guidance evening (IAG) which will be held on Tuesday 20th September from 6–7pm online.  If you cannot make this time please do not worry, we will record the IAG and provide access to the PowerPoint slides. The information provided will be primarily aimed at parents and carers and the role that you can play in supporting your child through this year, as well as giving you an overview of what can be expected in Year 8.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Wagstaff
Head of Year 8

Travel to school

When travelling to Lymm High, please drive carefully around school and watch out especially for children on bikes. Please remember there will be no access to the school car park for parents for at least the first two weeks of term at the beginning and end of the day. This is due to the completion of drainage works at the front of school. School buses will not be affected, but cars will not be allowed on site to drop off or pick children up before and after school. If you usually drive children to and/or from school, please arrange to drop them off and collect them as far from the school as possible.

We encourage children to walk or cycle to school where possible.

Regarding bus transport, there are diversions in place affecting the 40, 40B and 42A due to a road closure on Bradshaw Lane in Grappenhall. This is due to finish on 14th October. Buses are diverting via Knutsford Road, Stockport Road and Stanton Road.

If you need any information on the bus services or to find out how students can get their Touch and Go pass please visit this website: