PE and extra-curricular sports timetables

Please click here to view the PE timetable for Key Stage 3 and 4.

  • Indoor Sports require indoor kit. White shirt, blue shorts, skort or leggings for girls. White socks and trainers.
    Indoor sports include. Table Tennis, Badminton, Gymnastics, Fitness Suite and Wellness
  • Outdoor Sports require outdoor kit.
    Outdoor sports include Netball, Football, Tennis, Hockey, Rugby, Softball, Rounders, Frisbee and Athletics.
    Boys: Blue socks (shin pads for football and boots for activities on the field or 3G) blue Shorts and rugby shirt. Girls: Indoor PE kit plus Blue ¾ zip tracksuit top. Layers under PE kit are encouraged during colder months.
    *Outdoor summer sports such as Tennis and Athletics revert to the indoor kit.
  • Swimming: Navy or similar shorts and costumes. Notes must be provided for the use of goggles.
  • Class code Guide – PE groups will either be 1, L or H. The curriculum map states what each group are doing throughout the year. Classes will either be 9XB1 or 9YGL. The X and Y is for the side of the year. The B or G is boys or girls and the final symbol is the PE group

The extra-curricular timetable can be viewed here.

All of this information is also on the PE Curriculum section of the school website.